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Clean & Clear • Gel Supiriority

Scripting • Storyboard • Pre-production • Talent Management • Filming • Post-production • Market Toolkits

⚲ Southeast Asia



With the competition in foam based cleansers multiplying rapidly, Clean & Clear wanted to establish it's easy cleansing amongst the teenage audience. We were tasked to showcase Clean & Clear's gel based formula was as easy to cleanse with as compared to foam based formulations, a factor due to which consumers had started to move over to foam.

What we did

Having tasted success in our campaigns with the brand previously, we knew how to get the gold. Combining short vertical format video trends with scientific demonstration we set up an experiment which was easy to understand yet complex to implement at the backend. Combining the demo with VFX, we achieved an output that was ready to hit the target markets.


The video hit the sweet spot, with teens vibing with the videos on brand's social channels. The campaign was further amplified across southeast Asia to drive footfall on e-commerce channels while stating the convenience of gel based cleansers, which were here to stay!



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